About RGN

A Special Invitation

Become a Partner

You can become a part of the Ruach Global Network family and connect with its leaders and enrichment opportunities by becoming a partner. After we have received your request, we will guide you through the process of getting connected.

Being a part of the network is not required to attend Ruach Gatherings.

How will we fulfill this mandate?

Expanding this community of revival.  

We celebrate the various ways and methods of doing ministry but the common core value that calls us to the table of the Ruach family is that we are a people hungry for His Presence. His Presence is our priority and we will tend the fire of God’s presence in our churches, our communities, and around the world.

Equipping and developing the leaders of the kingdom.  

The success of the kingdom of God depends on the church. The success of the church rises and falls on its leaders. There is no "Plan B" for the completion of the Great Commission. It is our heart to resource and encourage leaders in their ministry development so that Christ’s kingdom and agenda may be advanced in the earth.


Deven and I are praying the richest blessings of God over you today. We want to serve you and the vision God has given you for your assignment. While ministry could be done in solitude, that isn’t the way God intended it to be. We need each other! As we tend the fire of the Lord together, I pray we will gather around that fire and share in all of God’s goodness. We love you and we look forward to everything that is in store. 


Kevin Wallace